Characterization of Primary Dendrite Morphology in Complex Shaped Lamellar Cast Iron Castings

Mostrar el registro sencillo del ítem Svidró, P. Elmquist, L. Dugic, I. Diószegi, A. 2015-04-07T12:40:05Z 2015-04-07T12:40:05Z 2014-11-13
dc.identifier.citation 10 Th International Symposium on the Science and Processing of Cast Iron. 2014. Argentina: Mar del Plata 10 to 13th of November. es_AR
dc.identifier.isbn 978-987-45833-0-7
dc.description.abstract Shrinkage porosity and metal expansion penetration are two fundamental defects appearing during the production of complex shaped lamellar cast iron components. Simplified test models simulating the thermal and geometrical conditions existing in complex shaped castings have been successfully used to provoke shrinkage porosity and metal expansion penetration. A stereological investigation of the primary dendrite morphology indicates a maximum intra-dendritic space in connection with the casting surface where the porosity and the penetration defects appear. Away from the defect formation area the intra-dendritic space decreases. Comparison of the simulated local solidification times and measured intra-dendritic space indicates a strong relation which can be explained by the dynamic ripening process. The slow local solidification time situated at the boundary between the casting surface and its surrounding is explained to be the reason for the formation of an austenite morphology which can promote mass flow between dendrites, thereby provoking shrinkage porosity or metal expansion penetration. es_AR
dc.description.sponsorship Cámara de Industriales Fundidores de la República Argentina. Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata. Consejo de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. es_AR
dc.language.iso en es_AR
dc.publisher INTEMA - UNMdP-CONICET es_AR
dc.subject Lamellar Cast Iron es_AR
dc.subject Primary Austenite es_AR
dc.subject Dendrite Morphology es_AR
dc.subject Coarsening es_AR
dc.subject Shrinkage Porosity es_AR
dc.subject Metal Expansion Penetration es_AR
dc.title Characterization of Primary Dendrite Morphology in Complex Shaped Lamellar Cast Iron Castings es_AR
dc.type Other es_AR
dcterms.type Proceedings Paper

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